Make Dreams a Reality
Your generous donation will be used where most needed to support our two fundraising efforts:

Second Chance Fund
Support students without sponsors.
We understand that situations may arise where a sponsor may become financially unable to continue supporting their student. That shouldn’t mean that this student loses their education.
At AMA we support those students, and we need your help.
General donations support unsponsored students, allowing them to continue going to school until we can find them a new sponsor. Currently 15% of AMA students are unsponsored, so this fund is essential in order to keep kids in school. Any amount helps a student get a second chance!

Dream Projects Fund
Help fund much needed school supplies and projects.
We need your help to fundraise for the items that aren’t covered by student tuition. These include things like art supplies to fuel creativity, science equipment to further exploration, and educational field trips to connect students to their environment.
Here are some of the projects and materials that we are currently seeking:
- Art Supplies
- English Language Chapter Books
- Science Fair Materials
- High School Ecology Field Trip to Livingston, Guatemala
- Computers
Even a small donation can make a big impact!
*Please note that your donation will be applied where needed most.